Friday, March 05, 2004

The Prince of Egypt

Brief: It's the story of Moses? I'm not really sure what I could write here that would make you know something about the story that you don't already now. Oh, his wife gets a name and a character. It also focuses on the most part on the relationship between Moses and his "brother" Rameses.

April's first cartoon review! At least I think it is. It's definitely my favourite.

The film is so good. Powerful and beautiful. I have no qualms with the way the Biblical material is presented as I do not feel that they stray far from the original story. In this case, when Moses murders the Egyptian, it was an accident. That kind of change makes sense because cartoons are generally geared for a younger audience.

Val Kilmer's voice lends the grandeur and trepidation necessary to Moses. Ralph Fiennes is brilliant as Rameses, giving him a superiority complex as long as the Nile.

As always, cartoons are only as good as their songs, and these ones are awesome. From the opening passionate plea of "Deliver Us" to the quiet success of the crossing of the Red Sea, the movie takes you on an emotional roller coaster through its score.

Well, all I can tell you is that this movie always makes me cry. Yes, you could argue that Sylvan Learning Centre commercials also make me cry, but this is different. This is about the passion of our God to save us from this world that seeks to oppress us. Now, my sister thought that her "Lord wouldn't have been so showy" in response to the parting of the Red Sea, but I'll let you decide for yourself. I think it is an appropriate time for wonder and awe.

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