Saturday, March 20, 2004

Before Sunrise (1995)

Idea: Celine (Julie Delpy) and Jesse (Ethan Hawke) meet on the Budapest-Vienna train, where Jesse convinces Celine to get off the train and spend the day with him before he leaves for America the next morning.

Now, I may have personal grievances towards Hawke right now, but he used to be in my Top 5 actors. I find that difficult to ignore when writing this blog. Damn his easy talent!

As you might surmise, you can't put two good looking college-aged kids together like this and expect them not to get together. The power of the short time frame is that it causes them to dispense with all the bullshit. In the beginning of a relationship, most people spend their time putting their best selves forward instead of their real selves. Let me let you in on a little secret: no matter how great this character you have come up with to play is, the real you is at least ten times more desirable.

Delpy is so sweet, all quiet beauty and unassuming grace. Hawke, despite my present distaste, is as gregarious as always. Not in an overt way, but you can't help but like him. He comes across as this sensitive genius in a world of ignorance, and you find yourself falling for it until it's too late to get out. And he does what I refer to as "greasy 1994 Ethan Hawke" so well. Damn him.

Looking at Richard Linklater's (director and co-writer) filmography, it all make sense. He did Dazed and Confused, he did The Newton Boys, he did Waking Life. He also apparently did Before Sunset, the sequel to Before Sunrise, for 2004. I will have to look into that. He is the quintessential Gen X-er, portrayed on the screen by Hawke. Or he is has a big crush on Hawke. Tough call to make.

A story like this is only as good as its cinematography. Thank you, Lee Daniels, you made me fall in love with Europe far before I had ever been.

So, this movie is sweet and simple. It is a little over the top, but I think it needs to be to make this story believable. It is a valentine to love itself, and love is nothing if not over the top.

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