Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Ghost World (2000)

Idea: Enid (Thora Birch) and Rebecca's (Scarlett Johansson) post-high school plans are derailed after Enid plays a prank on a stranger, Seymour (Steve Buscemi), and she becomes obsessed with her victim.

Okay, the term victim isn't to be taken too seriously here. Her prank doesn't land him in the hospital or anything of that sort. It's just a little cruel. Emotionally cruel.

Ah, 2000. It sparkles for me yet.

So, not too long ago, it was suggested that I review this movie. For whatever reason, I put it off. Now I can't remember why I put it off, so I figure it must be time to write about it.

I think Buscemi was born to portray characters like Seymour. His physiognomy suggests "geek" to you, and he has made a highly successful career out of it. In addition, he can play wild and dangerous characters, so he really makes you wonder. Seymour is as depressed as he is eccentric, and you divide your time between feeling sorry for him and just thinking he's pathetic.

I dig Johansson in this movie as it is before she became something of an It-girl. She's justifiably popular - beautiful and a natural on the screen. Even so, I am always wary of an It-girl. It takes years to shed that image, and it isn't until you shed it that the audience can see if you are an actor of substance.

Oh, Birch. Love, love, love Birch. She's one of the few child stars who seems to have turned out alright. What's more, she's turned out with a sort of dignified presence on the screen. She appears perfectly at home in a depressed veil of self-consciousness.

Director Terry Zwigoff has little/little of merit to his name. He's a bit of a nervous director. I'm not entirely certain what he's holding back or for that reason, but you can feel it. That's never a good thing in a movie.

He also co-wrote the movie with the comic's writer, Daniel Clowes. How accurate is the movie compared to its source? I don't know. I'd like to believe that being penned with the same ink makes it pretty darn accurate.

This movie's got funk. I'd bare that in mind if you were considering renting it. Funk's not for everyone, but it's great to have when you want it.

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