Monday, July 19, 2004

Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)
Outline: Various vignettes over coffee and cigarettes featuring variegated celebs such as Meg and Jack White, Bill Murray, Steve Buscemi, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits, Roberto Benigni, Steven Wright, Alfred Molina, Steven Coogan, and Cate Blanchett. 
So, in case it isn’t clear, people meet over coffee and cigarettes.  Nothing else happens.  There isn’t even any food involved.  Simply talking, sipping, and smoking. 
I’m telling you all of this because many people don’t like heavy dialogue movies.  As I am loquacious, these sorts of movies appeal to me. 
The movie is quite obviously a labour of love for Jim Jarmusch (writer/director).  Filmed over the last 18 years, it’s clear where he stands.  Unfortunately, his foundation’s a little shaky. 
The vignettes on their own are impressive to watch.  Sadly, the movie is weighed down by this feeling that Jarmusch thinks the movie is far better than it really is.  In addition, the way he begins to tie the vignettes together (Indy 500 dreams and Nicolo Tesla) is clunky at best.  I’m aware that he chose those two ideas for a reason, but they don’t solidify the movie the way they are meant to.  Instead, the audience is left feeling like something was forced, which doesn’t vibe with the rest of the movie. 
I think that this is a chick flick.  Not in the girl power or romantic vein, but still a chick flick.  I’m actually saying this because I read yet another column ( ) about how men and women don’t talk the same way.  Women, in the end, talk, and men, in comparison to women, don’t. 
Excitement!  I had the fortunate of seeing not one but TWO Alfred Molina movies this week-end.  I finally went and saw Spider-Man 2 (2004) this week-end.  As you know, I can’t review it.  I can, however, tell you that it was even better than the original (and I was a big fan of the original). 
I think I can sum it up by saying that Tobey Maguire is just the sweetest ever.  I’ve thought so since The Ice Storm, and even Jake Gyllenhaal doesn’t compare in the forlorn puppy department. 
Also, Alfred Molina kicks ass. 
P.S. My blog is undergoing some maintenance.  Let me know what you think of the new look!

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