Saturday, May 22, 2004

Bob Roberts (1992)

Summary: A fictional documentary view of a right wing wall street folk singer, Bob Roberts (Tim Robbins), running for Senate in 1990. A lone leftist reporter, Bugs Raplin (Giancarlo Esposito), seeks to unearth his corruption and connections with the drug trade. Tons of stars show up as various reporters.

So, remember when I was telling you about Cradle Will Rock, and how openly leftist celebrity couple Robbins and Susan Sarandon are? Well, if you have any doubts as to their politcal stripe, check out Robbins' writing and directorial debut. So, so very funny and sad. I find there is at times, especially times like these ones, something very sorrowful about satire. I think the sadness hits when you realize that the only reason the ideas or events the satire shines the spotlight on are entirely true. When the day comes when these things are no longer an exaggeration, you can help but tear up while you are smiling.

In any case, you have to watch this movie if only for the songs that Roberts sings. They kill me. The documentarian (Brian Murray) captures all these people singing along to the most horrifying lyrics. It's truly hilarious.

Robbins and Giancarlo are excellent. I don't know what else could be said about Robbins, and Giancarlo brings new light to a fiery and obsessive reporter.

Plus, I also have a good time going, "Hey! Hey!" every time I recognize someone in a movie. It's a fun game.

I suppose, in the end, it's best to keep abreast of both politics and the satire thereof as they can be equally informative. Sometimes the more the latter than the former.

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