Thursday, April 22, 2004

waydowntown (2000)

Summary: Four co-workers make a bet to see which one can stay inside the longest. It's lunch hour on Day 24: Tom (Fab Filippo) smokes dope to take the edge off while realizing that his cubicle mate, Brad (Don McKellar), is going to commit suicide, Curt (Gordon Currie) can go the distance if he can only get laid, Sandra (Marya Delver) is assigned to monitor their klepto boss, and Randy (Tobias Godson) only got into it for the pure juvenile excitement of it all.

Oh, year 2000.

Okay, I own State and Main, and one of the previews for it is waydowntown. The preview has no words, and it looked like Microserfs on crack. Needless to say, I thought it looked scary as can be. Then someone told me it was funny. So I picked it up at Roger's yesterday. Was it in the comedy section, "we're funny"? No. It was in the "we're Canadian" section. Apparently that's a genre. Right next to the "we're gay and lesbian" genre. These people really need to hire me to straighten out (no pun intended) their genre madness.

That said, I would not label this movie as a comedy. It's really more of a fantasy than a comedy. There was only the second act that I found actually humourous, but that doesn't mean I didn't like the movie. It was really good. Trippy, interesting, and smart. Yay for Gary Burns, the director and co-author.

Filippo is actually one of my fav Canadian actors, although I didn't know his real name 'til about 12 hours ago. Before that, he was always Dom from Ready or Not to me. He is so sexy, and I love the way Tom keeps referring to everyone as "Guy".

This movie was a colossal waste, though, of McKellar. He is truly one of the funniest people ever and being Canadian just makes him that much more amusing. To get a sense of what I mean, check out Twitch City, his show, on tonight at 9 on Showcase. It's about an unrepentant couch-potato who never leaves his apartment.

In conclusion, previews aren't all they are cracked up to be. So it goes, my friends, so it goes.

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