Sunday, February 08, 2004

The Lost Boys

Premise: Jason Patric, Corey Haim, and Diane Weist move to Santa Carla, CA, the murder capital of the world. They soon discover that the high murder rate is largely due to the city's vampire gang, led by Kiefer Sutherland. Patric is turned into a half vampire, and he and his family must locate and eliminate the head vampire in order to reverse the process.

Oh my, oh my. This movie is so very bad. It's definitely got the cult classic elements in it, but it's still so bad. One character does her best Esmeralda impression (I swear it's the exact costume Victor Hugo described), and Jason Patric cannot, at all, act. He simply cannot. For some reason, the director/screenwriter assumed that this meant that they should have a completely gratuitous sex scene smack dab in the middle of the movie.

Corey Haim, however, best known for portraying Lucas in the 80's classical of the same name, provides much need comic relief. Serious, he has all the best lines. As for Kiefer Sutherland, he makes a fairly good vampire. Vampires/vampire mythology is a highly sexualized metaphor for rape/violence in combination with sex, and Sutherland does his best to bring a much needed sexuality to this movie.
Nit picky point: He bites some guy on the top of his head. Why? That's just stupid. Go for the major arteries! That's where the good stuff is.

Overall, you aren't going to be able to handle this movie if you cannot recognize how bad it is. That is why, of course, it is so good.

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