Friday, February 06, 2004

Bowling for Columbine

Basic Plot Summary: To be quite honest, I'm not sure if a documentary can have a basic plot summary. It's about gun culture in America.

To those of you out there who have yet to see it: why not!! It's the top grossing documentary of all time and an Oscar winner for a reason. Besides, we Canadians love to make fun of Americans, do we not? So does Michael Moore, and he's not even one of us. How great is that?!

Consider your self forewarned: honesty is painful at times. Michael Moore is the more radical film equivalent of Noam Chomsky (if you can be more radical than Noam), and he is not above biting satire. In fact, biting satire is his modus operandi. He is at times as snarky as he is hilarious. Plus, he plugs my hometown and his own, and I've got a soft spot for loyalty.

In sooth, I do not believe I need to convince anyone to see this film. I also do not believe in providing you with an unbiased criticism of it. It is brilliant and epic. Yes, I went there. Epic, I say, epic!

Serious, why are you still sitting there? Go out and rent it immediately. Invite everyone you know to watch it with you. It will spark conversation for here to Kingdom. And who doesn't need some good conversation?

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