Thursday, February 05, 2004

Coyote Ugly

I feel it's about time for an introduction. Welcome to the movie-fanatic concept of the "guilty pleasure". Now, a guilty pleasure is not a movie you watch obsessively, it is not a movie you think about when you should really be concentrating on something else, it is not a movie that would make your mom and dad disappointed in you to know you watched it. Okay, maybe that last one is true. In any case, it is a movie that isn't good, but you watch it anyway. In fact, you even like to watch it. Because you are a sick, sick freak.

One of my guilty pleasures is Coyote Ugly. It is a bad, bad movie. Jerry Bruckenheimer (?) set out to hire someone who can sing and dance. Instead, he hired Piper Perabo, who can do neither. In reality, she cannot even act. But, somehow, she is the star. Hmm . . .

I cannot even tell you why I like it. I think it must be all that dancing. Seems like a grand ol' time. For serious, though, if you want a movie with good acting/script/direction, then this is not the movie for you. The plot is predictable and boringly done, and the direction is uninspired. Who cares! I don't think it's meant to be taken seriously anyway.

Honestly, would you take a bunch of quasi-strippers seriously? I didn't think so.

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