Monday, February 09, 2004


In short: Matthew Broderick is a teacher at a high school where some students take the school elections very, very seriously. So I guess it's like any other school in that sense. Until you see what they will do to win and what makes them get involved in the first place.

Macabre. Macabre is the best word to describe this kind of film. Well, within reason. It's a film noir without a doubt, but a film noir with the blackest sense of humor. After all, it is a comedy.

Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon's obsessive characters are too darkly humorous for me to use any other superlatives. They attack their characters with relish and positively chew up the scenery. It's beautiful. Plus, the idea of a teacher trying to take down an over-achiever sparkles.

Also, the film provides a reminder that every vote counts, which is why I'd like to remind all U of O students who read this post that elections are happening this week. Check out the platforms on SFUO's website, then log on to and vote. I'm so serious.

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