Friday, April 22, 2005

Moulin Rouge Lite and The Dressing Room

You know that new Chanel No5 spot? The Moulin Rouge-y looking one with Nicole Kidman having an affair with who appears to be Karl from Love, Actually then runs off to some glamorous event?

Well, it looks so much like a Baz Luhrmann production because it is one.

"The Dressing Room" - Again, I know you know the spot. Susan Sarandon/Julianne Moore/Eva Mendes/Kate Bosworth/Halle Berry go from an awards show to a more dressed down look with the help of Revlon cosmetics.

Why is it so elegant and effortless? Because Robert Altman directed it.

Now, I understand the appeal and have long enjoyed the use of actors instead of models as spokespersons for various products. But when did big time directors get into advertising? What's the appeal there?

How can Revlon, a notoriously sinking ship, even afford someone like Altman in addition to all those beauties?

Can someone please explain this to me? Aren't I supposed to be looking to the silver screen for their work?

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