Intense week in the news, guys, so let's get right to it:
"Is the Hollywood blockbuster finally eating itself?" I don't know, but I think that would be cool to watch. Someone should get on that. Also, check out the related content that updates every Friday.
The trailer does make W. look hilarious, although I suspect that it unintentional.
I'm glad someone's talking about this because I have been wondering about it for a while.
I'm a sucker for these sorts of stories. Can he do it? Not really, as it turned out.
Stop letting monolithic corporations down and get on this already.
What the? This just doesn't seem like a very good idea.
Free Dylan!
I like how the headline makes it seem like the story is going to blow a conspiracy wide open. It's hard for me to say, though, since I almost never buy new books and even more rarely by new fiction.
As soon as I saw this headline, I sang, "Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise crazy/Just be glad it's him not you."
And as soon as I saw this headline, I thought, "Paul Greengrass!"
How am I just learning about this movie now?
This diary/blog idea is both weird and cool, and it has an excellent start date.
Sadly, none of these are Paul Gross.
"What is it about those silly stoner flicks that keeps us laughing?" Perhaps pot use among the audience?
Why is this happening? The worst of it is I like Seth Green, and I liked Scott Evil. He makes wanting to go grab a gun from his room and shoot his Dad's mortal enemies together seem heartwarming.
Hey, it's kind of like my September movie theory!
Everyone's all over this rumour, and you know what? I'm a little nervous about it. Both the Riddler and the Penguin strike me as some of the more cartoony villains, but, then again, so did Two Face, and they managed to not only pull that one out of the fire but make it a poignant tale of expectation and heartbreak. Maybe I shouldn't be that nervous. You know, if it's even true.
Cool! Science and art, working together.
This is one of the most exciting developments I have come across in a long time. I'm going to watch The Big Snit as soon as I am done here.
What this? A reasoned argument about illegal downloading? Hmm.
I wouldn't normally point you to this trailer as I think there's nothing particularly exciting about it, but you have to click the link and watch it, so you can laugh at the last line of the post.
This week in things that exist: Public Dreams Society.
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