Sorry about the lack of posts this week, kids. I think I'll be back on track soon. In the meantime, holla me, as the 9th up there was my birthday. I have moved into a new age bracket and had to get a new prescription for my glasses, hence am feeling old.
I wonder if they could have chosen a worse photo for this story.
"Do you suffer from blockbuster fatigue?" Possibly, although I considered that to be related to the lack of good movies this year rather than an overabundance of blockbusters.
Actually, I've noticed this as well inasmuch as there are ridiculously few new shows that I am anticipating for fall. And by few I mean . . . one, sort of.
"It won't sell, they think, unless they put some naughty bits in - even if they have to invent the naughty bits." What, I can't take a sentence out of context for my own amusement? Of course I can!
I must say that I agree with the first one (No. 1o) on this list mostly because they annoy me in this about to happen/just happened/is happening way.
Gak! It's just like when the Globe shrank, and now it sits there, pushed to one side in its over sized boxes on street corners, a hollow shell of what it used to be.
"But as Warners goes through the arduous process of absorbing two dozen or so New Line films into its distribution system, the studio simply has too many movies to release, so it's starting to pick out the weak calves from the herd." Ooo, a slaughter! Much like the above, this kind of news makes me a little sad. You toil to get a picture greenlit, actually finish it, and then it might never see the light of day. Sigh.
Already? It occurs to me that the show as it will exist on air will never live up to the behind the scenes drama I imagine is going on. I want to watch that show.
Isn't Jerry Maguire a little too much for a simple date movie?
Apparently Allan Kozinn over at the Times has a beef with French horns, which is sad but funny. They are one of those instruments that are really beautiful when played well but don't get really get enough play for players to get really good at them, you know? No? Okay.
Another beef that cracks me up. Pretty much any beef reported in "Beef" cracks me up, though. Remember when Spike Lee accused Clint Eastwood of racism earlier this summer? Somehow the Vulture made that funny, too.
Again, why are people still reporting this like it's news? Well, new news, which it was, about three years ago. Holla 2005!
Oddly, this does help redeem Sorkin in my eyes. That and occasional memories of what a brilliant show The West Wing was.
Now, if I linked to every good post on Go Fug Yourself, I'd be linking to GFY all the live long day, but this post in particular is fantastic. Maybe it's for a role?
Hurray! I've been missing Green since he stepped out as Oz to go hang with monks. Okay, Oz went to hang out with monks, and Green went to finish a movie, but still. We're missing Green, right?
While I think this is probably true, I also think that it is a slow, trickle down effect that will prevent us from realizing the dire situation for another few years. Most of us haven't had the time to get around to the all the fantastic releases to realize that there aren't enough coming out anymore.
"Julia Child's spy career revealed." That headline says it all.
I'm beginning to think that the web peeps over at CBC revel in choosing strange photos.
"But it was his cover of Sir Mix-A-Lot’s “Baby Got Back” that spread through the Internet and drew new listeners to his site." Which I love. It's almost as good as "Tom Cruise Crazy."
"Kaleem Aftab is outraged at the way marketing is taking over." Outraged!
I'm so excited that Primer is back (I don't think I've seen one since May) that I think I probably would have linked to it regardless of the subject matter. Getting to know one of America's most influential filmmakers is a good idea, though.
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