Sunday, June 01, 2008

"So here's some advice I wish I would have got when I was your age: Live every week like it's shark week."

Hey, remember that time when you were like, "Hey, guys, don't you think Actor X is so hot?" and your friends were like, "Ew, dude." That time sucked. I know the feeling. Check it out five times over in my latest Culture article.

sure, I talk a good game when it comes to movies, but what else can I do for you? Glad you asked. Starting this month, I will take on your problems, issues, and grammatical confusion in brand new advice column. Boy-girl stuff? I've got an opinion about it. Forgot what happened in that movie that time? I’ll figure it out. Can’t remember if “between you and me” or “between you and I” is grammatically correct? I’ll tell you, and I’ll probably make fun of you. Just don’t come at me with that damn “try and [verb]” construction. You either try or you do. Not both. It really gets my goat. Send your issues to, and check back in the Advice Tab.

Also also, since we are here, let's do some other little housekeeping things. I did go see Iron Man again, and it was just as awesome the second time around. The second act drags a bit the second time, but I still think the first is one of the best I've seen, so the grade stands. I've been thinking some more about Robert Downey Jr., and I think that perhaps his yell is akin to Joaquin Phoenix's whisper. You know how Phoenix plays all this different characters who mumble, smooth talk, and yell, but only once or twice a picture does he drop down to a whisper? And you just know that whatever is said in the whisper is the best insight you are going to get into the character, so you hotly anticipate it and keep it close in your mind for the rest of the film. RDJ's yell, specifically of another character's name, is like that in that it has the power to change your mind. Again, I know I sound crazy re: RDJ (although Sarah agreed with me about the thing we never heard!), but I'll tell you this. I've watched movies before. Like the rest of you, I've got a pretty good sense of what characters will live or die when it comes down to it. Still, even when I am assured of the outcome, RDJ's yell can make me think that that person might be in mortal danger after all. That's good stuff.

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