Monday, November 15, 2004

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)

Plot: Six weeks later, Bridget (Renee Zellweger) and Mark's (Colin Firth) relationship is going well, except that Briget is starting to get ansy. The appearance of leggy Rebecca (Jacinda Barrett) in Mark's life and the re-appearance of Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant) in Bridget's has her just a bit on edge about their relationship.

Finally, a classic sequel: worse than the first.

See, the problem in this case is that the first is very, very good. A+ good. What's a sequel to do?

First, it seems, is highly deviate from the side splitting novel on which it is based. Enough is there to keep the fans happy, but so very much is missing. If you've read the diaries, you know the first film was a faithful adaptation of the book. All the promotional materials that I read and saw suggested that The Edge of Reason would deliver all the same goodies in shiny new packaging. Unfortunately, there seems to be a disconnect between whomever created the promotional materials and whomever did the editing.

Of course, whoever said it was right - Zellweger was born to play Bridget. She nails her British accent, and she is a genuine comedienne.

It also helps that Grant, as much as we all loved his floppy haired, bumbling Brit days, was born to play the cad. His Cleaver is exactly the way you think he should be - shallow, conceited, and, above all, unrepentant.

Firth remains one of the sexiest actors out there, and his shagaholic Mark Darcy is as dreamy a dish as ever.

So I blame the new director: Beeban Kidron. Sure, I love her drag comedy To Wong Foo, but she just doesn't do it for me here. Jim Broadbent and Gemma Jones are wasted, and neither movie allows you to fully experience the hilarity of Bridge's social circle.

Basically speaking, the movie's just not funny the way it should be. B

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