Sunday, November 14, 2004

The Believer (2001)

Plan: Danny Balint (Ryan Gosling) is a neo-Nazi looking to do some violence. At the same time as he is planning bombing synagogues, he becomes involved with a group of fascists led by Curtis (Billy Zane) and Lina (Theresa Russell) who believe that Danny's passionate eloquence will draw others to their cause. Danny also takes up with Lina's daughter, Carla (Summer Phoenix). Of course, there is one minor problem: Danny is Jewish.

Classic example of a great performance wasted in a poorly done flick.

Gosling is reminiscent of a young Robert DeNiro here. He's fiery and quiet, strong and even a bit subversive. He is quickly establishing himself as one of the finest actors of his generation, and he's got the stuff to make that mantle a lasting one.

The rest of it is just blah. Neither Henry Bean's direction nor his screenplay are focused enough to merit any attention. Gosling manages to rise above it, but the rest of are just stuck in the mire. It's a little sad if you think about it.

I consider this foray just another step in watching Gosling progress. Sometimes it's worth it just to watch raising star. B-

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