Tuesday, January 22, 2008

CBC bumps up announcement, Oscars mildly confusing

Don't want anyone to be embarrassed about getting the bum's rush. , but CBC.ca totally put up a press release earlier than they should have in order to make way for the Oscar traffic. Don't say it if you know whose. If they are so keen to get the nominations out there, I should probably throw my hat* in the ring** as well.

*I initially typed 'hate.'
**Here it was 'wring.' I apparently am dealing with some Oscar-related stress rather passive aggressively.

Let's see, let's see.

Surprises: It comes to a surprise to no one but me that Ellen Page got the nomination for actress. I mean, she actually got it. The entire time everyone was saying she would, I started to think that it would be all buzz and then pffft. It's nice to be wrong sometimes.

I can't believe that Jason Reitman made it through in the directing category. Feels unlikely, like maybe he snuck past when a couple of other contenders split the vote.

Atonement sticks out like a sore thumb for best picture. It seems normal and natural following on the heels of its Golden Globe win, but it's strange to see it there without a nomination for either McAvoy or Knightley.

Snubs: Tim Burton for directing, naturally. What is it going to take for these people to give him the attention he deserves? It's just nonsense.

Pleasantries: I am very pleased to see The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford getting some attention for its austere cinematography even if Diving Bell will likely take the award.

I do like that so many of the documentary feature nominees are docs about Iraq. It's time.

I love that "Falling Slowly" was nominated, but I worry about its chances against three Disney songs. Maybe Hansard and Irglova will Three 6 Mafia Menken and Schwartz. I sincerely hope they will be on hand to perform.
In other news, the CFTPA decided to make up their own Indie Awards, and I love them for it.
Now I'm going back to look at the Vulture's predigious amount of Oscar coverage.

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