Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hot Fuzz (2007)

RE-view! How I do love to re-view, my friends.

Now, I know people who aren't particularly interested in watching a movie more than once. They've seen it, so they know what's going to happen, and that somehow means that they won't enjoy it as much as the second time 'round. To be honest, I've never really understand that line of reasoning. By all means, don't watch it again the very next day, but, if months or years slip by, I'd wager that you may have forgotten a thing or two.

While I may not have forgotten the general plot, there were plenty of hilarious lines in this picture that hadn't stuck in my mind to tickle my fancy during this viewing, like "I'm not made of eyes!," "The little hand says it's time to rock and roll," and "You wanna be a big cop in a small town? Fuck off up the model village."

Oddly enough, the gore got to me when I watched Shaun of the Dead the second and third times, but the ridiculous gore only struck me as funny this time around. It was strange -- I felt like I laughed at completely different things when I saw the movie again. I found it especially funny to learn that many of Danny's (Nick Frost) lines were written for a love interest named Victoria only to cut her character out. Besides, the chemistry between Frost and Simon Pegg can't be beat.

I love the way that Edgar Wright uses quick cuts and sound effects to make mundane tasks, like fingerprinting or paper work, seem far more exciting than they ever would be. I love that they would get sent to capture a missing swan. I love the way the movie circles back around on itself, positioning the final showdown as a recreation of Nicholas' first jog through town. I'm definitely sticking with my original assessment: A

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